Gang of Words
I called my blog ‘Gang of Words’ for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I think if you take any group of people or things and use the collective noun ‘gang’ to describe them, hilarity will inevitably ensue. My favourite is ‘gang of sheep’. Take a minute to picture them now, cutting about the field in their leather jackets – their coloured bandanas display their affiliation, as do their distinctive dance moves.
Yes, my gangs inevitably follow the Jets/Sharks combat template.
Secondly, I couldn’t think of anything I liked better. It’s possibly a placeholder but, hey, it worked for Billy Wilder.
There’s no specific theme to this blog at the moment – it’s essentially just an outlet/writing practice. There might be stories or songs or a spot of ranting about whatever might be passing me off on any given day. If I’m being honest, I haven’t really thought it all the way through. That’s one of my specialties. That and procrastination. I could out-hem-and-haw Hamlet.
There might also be movie, TV and book reviews, assuming I’m able to get over my fear of insulting someone I’ll never meet.
So, this is my first post. I’ll try really hard to make sure it’s not my last 😁